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By sadf4x0r - 24/02/2010 17:27 - United Kingdom

Today, I realised my girlfriend is the perfect woman for most men. She only ever talks to me in the intermissions on Modern Warfare 2; shame it's not me playing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 670
You deserved it 6 364

Same thing different taste

Top comments

blaaaaakely 0

I'll just come out and say it: bieber sucks. no coughing needed


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just check you aren't on this all the time like snickerdoodles.

fueledbyshar 0

Win. *coughSnickerdoodlesstopmakingfunofjustinbecauseyouprobablylikesomegaysingercough*

Enoch134 0

WTF u complaining for ur set as long as she can play with one hand or without looking  if u get what I mean

I'll just come out and say it: bieber sucks. no coughing needed

TapeMan_3000 0

*coughjustinbeibersingslikeagayfaggotwithno talentcough*

Why does the "perfect" woman have to be suspected of being a guy? Why don't you play too, OP? She sounds awesome.

TapeMan_3000 0

what I meant to say was that Justin beiber likes men in his pants. cause he borrows pants from other men. after he slept with them. on a camping trip. in the boy scouts. so basically he has no talent and sings like a loser. but MW2 is fun unless everyone camps.

vrock 0

everyone stop coughing it's anyoing. and op you should dump the crazy b¡ch

PsychoMerk 0

@ 59. I know right?! it's like guys are gay!

ikr snickerdoodles is a fag who is on this app 24/7

troyboyd05 0

Uh, I actually support snickerdoodles on this one. Justin Bieber is possibly the gayest thing on this planet. Everyone I've asked has said he likes penis. A lot.

the first thing snickerdoodles has ever said that i agree with! still dont like her tho :/ if it werent for her sometimes bitchy comments i wud swear she was an admin

Yea, usually I'm in the camp of those who don't like snickerdoodles' corrections, however, this time I agree with her. I don't understand what all the fuss is over this Justin guy... I could understand the hype over Jacob but this guy just sucks (in more ways than one probably)

probably the first thing i ever agree with snickerdoodles on! still doesnt make up for the other stuff. Justin bieber is gay !! I fell in love with him! another zac effron?

lol original definintion lots of laughs or laugh out loud but now it is so ******* overused and nobody even laughs when they say it i think it really shud mean lack of laughfter.And whoever says lawl is a ******* ******!

that made me lol... lol I see what you mean...

Bieber would make a very pretty girl. If he wasn't famous, he would be made fun of at school because of his gay face, gay hair, and gay voice. Not to mention the way he says "shawty."

allen20 0

snickerddodles is an FML lowlife

Felendris 0

we'll put it this way: Justin bieber sucks. along with snickerdoodles. (lol my iPod corrects bieber to Norbert xD)

Pearljammer001 0

ugh gag, gag. Justin bieber. what are you, 10? he is the definition of gay.

Fabby_fml 2

I love how the entourage of people telling Snickerdoodles to **** off are more amusing than the FML most of the time. :)

Justin bieber is not gay.... Justin bieber is a girl

Because there is no such thing as the perfect woman.

Justin is an awful singer. he is 15 and his voice is higher than my 7 year old sister. his voice needs to drop and it needs to drop now Nuff said.

TheBreaKer_fml 0

i would love a girl like that, OP doesn't know how lucky he is haha

fallingpoint 0

I kno I agree with snickerdoodles beiber is such a ******

Blondie08_fml 0

snickerdoodles looks like a ugly fml orangatang

loski87 4

I think Justin bieber is precious... what's with all the hate

M4V3R1CKR13 0

Justin bieber is a fag i asked everyGIRL in my grade if they like HER 98% percent said no

M4V3R1CKR13 0

JUSTIN BIEBER stop makinh fun of her

137, your mad pretty, snickerdoodles, most of the time I would say *** off, or some shyt like that, but I agree with you this time. everyone needs to get the *** off his 2inch dick because they were about 5 Justin beibers in this world. Zack effron, Corbin blue, etc. not to mention he is a damn female, high ass voice and he is 15.

RKftw 0

Justin bieber is the son of Alvin and the chipmunks... why do we worship him? I fell that if I rebel I will be put in a dark room with his music play 24/7

Snick don't listen to them  you're cool and filled with wisdom among the art of words . ALSO, WTF??? How can it not be op she's talkin to if they just said that she talks to him over..... I'm confused 

everyone knows that girls are terrible at video games

@tripout. she is the one playing. not OP

GeoThermalSleuth 0
boyguydudemalema 0

Summary: Snickerdoodles is annoying as **** or is an annoying ****, however it true that Justin beaver is a shit eating cockmaster that sucks souljahboy's talentless **** and does not deserve the fame. I am not saying that i deserve the fame but he truely is also an annoying **** or also annoying as ****

why is snickerdoddles hating on Justin so we could stop hating her for a while?? she's not annoying because she corrects grammar but because she is so stuck up and pretends to be better than all the others when in fact she changes her picture to make her more appealing to the other commentors. insecure much?? I got this account to bash her thanks

cantfightfate 0

180..u are amazing!! I did the same. snickerdoodles is so annoying!

Justin beiber isn't gay, his boyfriend is!

Justin beiber isn't gay, his boyfriend is!!

Might I say just quit bit$*ing and play the god da

JaneINlove 0

maybe u should get better at modern warfare2

lawl lawl lawl lawl lawl lawllawl lawllawl lawllawl lawllawl lawllawl lawllawl lawl lawl lawl lawl lawl lawllawl lawllawl lawllawl lawllawl lawllawl lawllawl lawllawl lawl lawl lawl lawl lawllawl lawllawl lawllawl lawllawl lawllawl lawllawl lawl ur a ****** noone gives a shit about the meaning lol it involves laughter that it.

I agree HD Gay if he wasent famous he would made fun of soooo much.

I always lol when I say lol ... who doesn't?

do u at least get to eat her out durring the game

snickerdoodles wins... for once. Justin beiber is a queer. btw, I moved my xbox into my girlfriends house so we could play at the same time. try that.

the guy is saying that the GIRLFRIEND is playing not him & she only talks to him during the intermissions

ehbabeyyyXxx 0

duh SHES playing the game NOT HIM an she won't talk to him unless there's n intermission

I got it, but I don't get what the FML is. Do they only have one controller? I am also guilty of this...

boyguydudemalema 0

Oh no, his gf is probably playing OL which is only 1 player therefore he cannot play with her unless he buys his own ps3/xbox.

sarcdude 3

same, I had the general idea but I didn't see what the fml in this was. seriously, I've never played this game before but I'm sure that like other first person shooters that it has co-op, so OP, shell out the $40 for a wireless controller.

blaaaaakely 0

hehe. I think you mean "lawl"? my iPhone does that all the time :/

use your tactical insertion to spawn in her base

Call in a precision air strike all over her face. No scope headshot! ;)


only if you're not a boosting ******.. get that nuke legit!. i've never had a nuke though.. FML

Pearljammer001 0

pavelows are annoying as **** sometimes

boyguydudemalema 0

@#74 hows about intserting you tactical insertion inside her O.O

That's what he was referring to. idiot.

how would she be perfect for every guy? u sure shes not a man??? double check.

Ever see The Crying Game? It's happening for real, right in front of you. So be prepared. (you know, by bringing a condom for each of you)

hahaha. @ 1 didnt even see u commented the same. great minds think alike..