By thanksmom - 09/01/2013 19:57 - United States - Tucson

Today, I took my boyfriend to meet my parents. As he was loading his truck, I went inside to take a surreptitious shit. I ended up clogging the toilet, and so the first thing my mom said to my boyfriend was, "You'll have to find another bathroom; she just clogged it all up." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 643
You deserved it 7 791

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Every poops. Don't feel bad, unless he's the type that thinks it's wrong when women fart and poop.

zombieslayer83 19


MistaBlista 9

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Thanks a lot, mom! Well. It happens. It really could have gone much worse; most guys are pretty cavalier about poo situations. At least you didn't shit your pants, right?

imagineapc 11

My boyfriend thinks it's gross when I fart. He had a former girlfriend who thought it was funny to fart all the time, and apparently the smell was awful. So understandably, he has a hard being attracted to a fart machine. He knows that I poo of course, but I don't go around broadcasting it.

If he "has a hard" then I think he's attracted....

jmcgee17 20

At least he knows her pipes work well now... No one like it when the pipes are backed up.

perdix 29

Coulda been worse. She could have led him to the clogged crapper and said, "See what my daughter can do?"

So as he was unloading his trunk, you were aswell. Nothing to be ashamed of, happens to the best of us.

Sounds like your plan for a good introfuction went down the drain. Let's hope you can wipe the slate clean.

Surreptitious shit? What's that like? I think I need to eat more fibre. ):

You have to be on your tippy-toes to have a surreptitious shit. That or put some toilet paper down before blowing a load, it mutes the splash.

Shoot! I have a Bose radio in my restroom blasting an Avenged Sevenfold CD to drown out the sounds. Butt sadly many times my grunts are in vain. ):

47) Well its obvious: Skunks stink, and skunks are mammals, and so are giraffes, and giraffes have long necks, and so do guitars, and guitars play music, and today's music is shitty, and shit is what clogs toilets, and that's what OP did. How do you not see it?

Translation: "If you want to use the toilet here, unplug it yourself. Her shit is your problem."

Seriously though, Op should know how to unclog a toilet.. The only time I've ever seen toilets get clogged is if no one flushes or someone uses waaaay too much toilet paper. So I kinda think Op deserves it, and should have just spent 12 seconds plunging it herself, and no one would have had to know. But who am I to judge, that's still a shitty thing to have happen :P

vencku 13

43 - I have the same feeling. There's been several FML clogging situations. I've never seen that happen. How do you clog a toilet? Does the rest of the world use some sort of weak version with small pipes and no flushing power? It's annoying if the toilet is straight out broken, though.