By angie429 - 27/11/2011 23:45 - United States

Today, I took my boyfriend to my family's traditional late Thanksgiving dinner. While eating, my mom brought up celebrity infidelity. My grandpa ended up looking me in the eye and saying, "Look Angie, sometimes what a man has just isn't enough. When that happens, cheating is forgiveable." FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 119
You deserved it 2 742

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYLDeep 25

**** cheaters. They don't deserve a relationship. How can what they have not be enough when they deserve nothing?

enonymous 8

Solid logic. Respect your elders they know best


Jcmills3 0

I agree with number 2. Your elders know best

And that's when you respond "that's right gramps, it is! It will also be understandable when I cut his balls off afterwards. Pass the turkey."

Wow!! What did grandma say? Hope she threw the cranberry sauce right at him!

hey if its not cheating in a different area code, it should not be cheating if you can't feel it.

NoDontFML 2

Cool Grandpa XD "Yeah Grandma, thats what i have been doing!"

I think it's more F your boyfriend's life...