By callmeclarence - 23/06/2014 05:41 - United States - Valencia

Today, I took my clothes off for a shower at an RV campsite. I started running the water when I noticed there was a pack of hornets in the bathroom. I stood there, stark naked, waiting for a chance to get out, for four hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 069
You deserved it 5 633

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MzZombicidal 36

Damn, OP! That really is an FYL. You always have to keep an eye out in campsites! I once woke up with spiders crawling all over my sleeping bag and haven't been camping since!

I feel for you, i once had a beehive in my own bathroom o.o


At least you're okay now??? I don't have that kind of patience OP

what the **** did you do while you waited?! insanity. i cant sit still for 10 minutes

Probably hyperventilate and continuously pee herself a little.

I'm taking a firetorch next time I'm going to a campground bathroom.


JJ_86 is referring to a blow-torch (w/ a small propane bottle from the hardware store), not any kind of weapon/ firearm.

This is one of the main reasons I don't go camping and I prefer hotels.

Four hours? I would've been out of there in four seconds. Naked or dressed.

Couldn't you go out the same way you came in? Unless the hornets suddenly formed behind you, your path should have been clear

Unlike a bee which has a barbed stinger that tears out and remains, therefore ending its life, a single hornet can sting multiple times with impunity. They send out a pheromone which unites the colony to swarm. A swarm is life threatening because it's venom is highly toxic. Since the op didn't receive a single sting, I feel he/she played it well. He could have been a headline in the local paper,"Dead Op Found Naked On Bathroom Floor."

You're thinking of wasps. They are not the same thing.

MAD01502 20

How can something that makes honey, delicious honey, can be that cruel and deadly?!?!

Nah, OP was just using an expression.