By callmeclarence - 23/06/2014 05:41 - United States - Valencia

Today, I took my clothes off for a shower at an RV campsite. I started running the water when I noticed there was a pack of hornets in the bathroom. I stood there, stark naked, waiting for a chance to get out, for four hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 069
You deserved it 5 633

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MzZombicidal 36

Damn, OP! That really is an FYL. You always have to keep an eye out in campsites! I once woke up with spiders crawling all over my sleeping bag and haven't been camping since!

I feel for you, i once had a beehive in my own bathroom o.o


Merridew 8

Hornets' stings are good for health.

RedPillSucks 31

Yeah. My cousin looked pretty damn healthy in his coffin after dying from hornet stings.

Merridew 8

I'm sorry about your cousin. I just meant that some peoples used them as folk remedy. I'm really sorry.

Be glad you were just stark naked, and not Stark dead.

katydid91 31

FYL, OP. Bees of any type scare the living hell out of me! And having a swarm of bees in a restroom facility is my worst nightmare.

Clearly the shower at this campsite isn't used regularly.

Probably not. Most RVs have showers in them now.

Wrap yourself in your towel and slip out slowly...that usually works

What the hell were you doing for 4 hours??

I've gotta hear the Follow-Up for this one.

I think I would have just ran naked... But who knows

That sucks OP :( better stuck for 4 hours than stung I can imagine how many times, and probably in awkward places

just stood there for hours?! you are an idiot!