By Nick Pat - 30/09/2015 13:13

Today, I took my dad out shopping. I managed to pull into a really cramped parking spot and said, "Man, that was a tight squeeze." My dad then looked me in the eyes and said, "So was your mom." FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 677
You deserved it 2 959

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Some say OP is still cringing to this very day...

On the bright side, he didn't say " so was your sister."


YDI for PULLING yourself into that one ;)

At least he didn't add "until I reamed her out"

o.O all I have to say is OP said his dad said "so was your mom" which implies his parents are no longer having sex. Just saying.

All that implies is past tense. Maybe she's not so tight these days.

He was just trying to get to you OP. He thought your reaction was funnier than his comment.

I'd be proud of my dad if he came out with something like that :)

I am mortified for you, that would need a whole lot of brain bleach to get past