By Anonymous - 21/08/2015 05:55 - United States - Truckee

Today, I took my daughter to the zoo, because she loves tigers. Correction: she used to love tigers, until one sprayed urine on her from a distance of four meters. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 401
You deserved it 5 437

Same thing different taste

Top comments

As much as that sucks, you gotta admit, that's pretty impressive.


OfficialEarth 12

I hope this doesn't ruin the zoo for her OP, it's a cool place full of other cool animals. Good luck!

As a future warning, if a tiger's hindquarters are facing you, and the tail is raised, then you should run. Same goes for any cat. Or hippos, but that'll be a shit splatter.

My cats tail is always raised. Should I be worried about a sneak piss attack?

kittykat1501 31

#67 I just think it's better safe than sorry. Cat pee smells terrible.

Heyy he is marking his territory !!!!!

IssacB 14

..I believe the tiger just claimed your daughter man xD

that sucks but I seriously can not stop laughing!!

Kavka 15

Lol 148-154 how is this your fault? We can't control how tigers pee. That being said, it sucks your daughter had to go through that.

That's a sign that the tiger likes her :-P