By SaMike - 01/09/2009 01:12 - United States

Today, I took my girlfriend to the movies. She's pretty conservative and I decided after four dates to give her her first ever kiss. As I leaned in she violently sneezed and hit me in the nose with the hand she brought up to cover her face. I broke my nose and got blood down her cleavage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 743
You deserved it 4 746

Same thing different taste

Top comments

.... Conservative.... but she has cleavage. For some reason, this annoys me. FYL though. Better luck next time? At least you have a funny story?


iheyman 0

Did you pretend to be a vampire and suck the blood off?

thatpianoguy612 0

Very easy to see cleavage at close range... my gf raaarely wears cleavage shirts but you can still see it when kissing her. kinda happens if you're not wearing an iron vest

how's she conservative when her clevageb is showing

southpointchrysl 0

if that broke your nose your a pussy

tdurden 0

I'm calling bullshit on this one

Well hey! You got down her shirt on only the fourth date! Well done!

Conservative...Cleavage? I'm so confused!

If you two do not work out, you will make another girl very happy. You are a very thoughtful person, never forget that.