By sadsexer23 - 16/02/2010 03:10 - United States

Today, I took my girlfriends virginity and had given it my all. When I had finished, sweating and tired, I looked down at her and smiled, obviously pleased with myself. She looked up at me and said, "Wait, was that it?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 834
You deserved it 6 739

Same thing different taste


hahaha thats a sign you should probably have tried a little harder

next time stick you small dick up he ******, not her ass hole

mattm0294 0

to RAWR, SKATER, and MYGUY I ******* love you guys hahaha no joke you three just made my night! :)

mrzero 0

hahah. I guess she tricked you.

Maybe read a few how to books on getting down, don't touch her until you do, and better luck next time kiddo.

Sweetestgrl4u 0

Awh, poor guy haha.. Uhm, maybe you need some practice .. ? That mustve been so awkward for her & you.. haha

Durrr, swearing at strangers in forums makes me win the internets, durrrrr.

trackrunner00008 0