By sadsexer23 - 16/02/2010 03:10 - United States

Today, I took my girlfriends virginity and had given it my all. When I had finished, sweating and tired, I looked down at her and smiled, obviously pleased with myself. She looked up at me and said, "Wait, was that it?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 834
You deserved it 6 739

Same thing different taste


That's pretty bad if even a virgin knows you suck at sex....

flooger101 6

You didn't take her virginity but you probably just got yourself some std's so yeah that's it!

she needs to work too, its not just you

hewro_failure 11

Something tells me you either have a small dick, really need to work on your routine in bed, or she is not a virgin. It could also be more than one of these...

The part of the story that you don't tell us is that you lasted for 30 seconds

Some girls go numb. You shouldn't feel thy bad.

If I go numb, it's because he's been going at it for too long and I'm getting really bored because I don't feel anything. But I totally understand being disappointed after your first time. Or the times after. As a girl, at least.