By mickey1928 - 12/01/2010 13:10

Today, I took my wife and newborn baby girl home from the hospital. While waiting for the elevator, an elderly couple leaned over, saw our baby, and said, "Look, it's the fat kid that was in the nursery." My baby is six and a half pounds, and my wife hasn't stopped crying. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 979
You deserved it 2 914

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should of replied "Look, its those wrinkled prunes that go around insulting newborn babies". That'll teach them ;DD

How is this an FML? The chubby babies are usually the cutest and the healthiest. Fat babies are the best.


Me and my sisters all weighed 8 lbs and a few ounces when we were born. I was a little over 21 inches too. 6.5 is SO not fat. I feel bad for your wife. :( She's too hormonal to have to put up with bull like that right now.

umm im pretty sure that's an average, healthy weight for a baby. any smaller than that and it would be considered unhealthy.

How horrible of those old people, I bet your baby girl is gorgeous!

perdix 29

Maybe you can get that little porker some liposuction before you leave the hospital.

perdix 29

Oh, come on! That was the only part of that movie "Bruno" that was funny!

Dont worry perdix, i found your comment funny *pats on the head*

warriormg12 4

I was 9 pounds 7 ounces and i didnt turn out fat so stfu

i was the opposite, 5lb baby, now i'm nearly overweight. my brother on the other hand was born 7lb 11oz, now he's really skinny

why don't you join the old jerks at the assholes convention, 35? I'm sure you'd have a great time.

zom_fml 10

I was 6 and a half pounds! /irrelevant comment No, but those people suck. The only thing to say about anyone's baby is 'How cute!' or 'Wow, look at that nose...'

Newborns and infants who have more fat tend to have better brain development. You will have a smart kid :) Congratulations btw!

NotEven 0

According to, well, EVERYWHERE I looked, about 7 1/2 lbs. is average birth weight for a healthy baby.