By mickey1928 - 12/01/2010 13:10

Today, I took my wife and newborn baby girl home from the hospital. While waiting for the elevator, an elderly couple leaned over, saw our baby, and said, "Look, it's the fat kid that was in the nursery." My baby is six and a half pounds, and my wife hasn't stopped crying. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 979
You deserved it 2 914

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should of replied "Look, its those wrinkled prunes that go around insulting newborn babies". That'll teach them ;DD

How is this an FML? The chubby babies are usually the cutest and the healthiest. Fat babies are the best.


Ahaha, I was six pounds and twelve ounces when I was born, and my sister weighed like over seven. And I actually asked my mom this question, who replied with my birth weight and stated that "you were actually a fairly small baby when you were born". So I hope that makes you feel better 8D Congrats on the baby btw~

sportsnut 0

that is horrible...just make sure you get your wife back to normal so she doesnt give the kid an eating disorder

Was your wife crying because she thinks your daughter is underweight? I know I was always concerned my baby wasn't going to gain weight. Either way those people are rude but insignificant. And I hope you wrote this out of concern and not just to bitch about having a weepy wife. The hormones should level off in a few days and if she is still easily upset, get her help; it could be PPD. In the meantime FYL. A crying wife and a (presumably) crying baby can't be fun to live with.

ineedahug 0

Oh wow. That kinda sux. And babies aren't always "fat". My daughter was born 6 pounds and 14 ounces. She was very tiny. Those old people must have been blind or just cruel. People are so dumb. Tell ur wife to get over it. They'll die soon enough. That and honestly, is it really something worth crying that bad over anyways? Feel sorry for ya. Hormones are bitches

OP you should of replied and while this baby is living you are dying :D

why was she crying????? and 6 and 1/2 lbs isnt fat!! WTF??