By mickey1928 - 12/01/2010 13:10

Today, I took my wife and newborn baby girl home from the hospital. While waiting for the elevator, an elderly couple leaned over, saw our baby, and said, "Look, it's the fat kid that was in the nursery." My baby is six and a half pounds, and my wife hasn't stopped crying. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 979
You deserved it 2 914

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should of replied "Look, its those wrinkled prunes that go around insulting newborn babies". That'll teach them ;DD

How is this an FML? The chubby babies are usually the cutest and the healthiest. Fat babies are the best.


I was 5 pounds 12 ounces. but i was born along with two more. thats like 17 pounds combined.

heartless1215 0

My daughter was 8 pounds 8 ounces and that is normal so those old ******* should have shut their mouths. Me personally I would have slapped them in the face. Who the **** says that about a baby.

"My wife, who just gave birth, is crying nonstop because she's flooded with hormones. FML." YDI - don't want to deal with a crazy woman crying or yelling about everything, even when it makes no sense? Should have abstained.

monnanon 13

wtf thats not what the fml is about, the OP is only saying that his wife hasn't stopped crying to show how much the old peoples comment hurt her (and him of course but hes not so full of baby hormones that everything makes him cry) Being like that after a birth is pretty much par for the course for a woman. She would have been perfectly happy if those lovely old dears (sarc) hadnt insulted her

mj2123 0

WTF? Babies are SUPPOSED to be chubby.

HBubble 3

Hey never mind them. And congratulations on your daughter :)

I don't see what there is to cry about. That's a normal size for a newborn.

Congrats of your chubby bundle of cuteness and drool.

amberspain 0

i was ten pounds when i was born, and i'm underweight now and i'm seventeen, haha woooow some old people can be jerks!

well I can see why your wife is upset but I was almost nine pounds when I was born and I'm fine now