By mama75 - 17/03/2010 14:18 - United States

Today, I tried an herbal tea that is supposed to increase your milk supply (I'm a breastfeeding mom). Well, it worked, and it kicked in at my office, but only on one side. So when I went into the bathroom, I noticed I had one boob WAY higher and bigger than the other. Great. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 253
You deserved it 5 128

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perfectwinds 0

Haha! The same thing happened to me, but someone else pointed it out before I noticed.

Bored_2_Death 0

You're an idiot. The H is silent and you use "an" when there is a vowel sound.


I'm down for anything "herbal", if you get my drift.

dynky 3

If you were recently pregnant, your body probably looks like shit anyway.

I preferred the left one.... oh, you meant her child

OP Invest in a breast pump (or some kinky person who likes to indulge in breast milk...) to even it out.

Blah! I like my women like I like my tea. Bitter and Cold.

Gymnastman 0

I don't really see why this is a bad thing but if you don't like it stop drinking the tea and you should be fine.

sinkships82 0

I'm breastfeeding too; totally empathize! I've tried Traditional Medicinals

ha, that sucks. When I was breastfeeding, one morning I woke and for some reason one boob (the one that is usually but not noticeably smaller) had totally lost its supply, while the other was very, very full. So I basically had one C cup and one A cup. it was weird.

zachhasse 0