By mama75 - 17/03/2010 14:18 - United States

Today, I tried an herbal tea that is supposed to increase your milk supply (I'm a breastfeeding mom). Well, it worked, and it kicked in at my office, but only on one side. So when I went into the bathroom, I noticed I had one boob WAY higher and bigger than the other. Great. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 253
You deserved it 5 128

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perfectwinds 0

Haha! The same thing happened to me, but someone else pointed it out before I noticed.

Bored_2_Death 0

You're an idiot. The H is silent and you use "an" when there is a vowel sound.


pfunk129 1

get yourself some black coffee.

ruby84 1

LOL You need to see a doctor. That's not supposed to happen honey.

This was posted by an American, and in America the "h" is silent in "herbal". We also say, "It's an honor," not, "It's a honor."

quikwit1212 0

55: Yes, it was nice English, and perfectly correct too. Moron. Don't criticize others' English when you didn't even capitalize your sentence.

uh if you're breastfeeding isn't your baby really young and shouldn't you not be working?? fake.

also if you can leave your kid and they don't need breastmilk they are probably like seven. or they have a bottle though if they're old enough to have a bottle then they don't need breastmilk. my nephew quit before he was even one.

There is a guy in Jersey selling human breastmilk cheese. Perhaps.....

xxkiwixx5623_fml 0

So feed your kid. What are you doing at work when you are nursing a baby anyway?