By CrappyValentine - 14/02/2012 18:56 - Netherlands

Today, I tried convincing my Valentine-hating boyfriend to send me a card, by explaining how important it is to me. He finally agreed and sent me a card. I opened it up, and it wished me 'harmony and well-being on Lupercalia'. What is Lupercalia? It's an ancient Roman festival where men run down the street naked, whipping people with goat skins to encourage fertility. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 373
You deserved it 37 907

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's why you shouldn't force your boyfriend to do nice things for you. It won't happen (and with good reason).


Booze_fml 0

you told him to send you a card. I bet you didn't mention that you wanted it valentines related.

I don't understand why you got mad; I think that's funny and I would've just laughed and kept the card. Your boyfriend has a sense of humor; what's wrong with that?

alfa314314 4
uggghhhh 0

You're a whiney bitch, and your boyfriend is awesome.

That's not all Lupercalia is you unappreciative, self-absorbed little twit. Maybe you should see your bf's POV here and again and maybe get him something for Valentine's so he could see how much it meant to you instead. Use your brain, or what's left of it.

verb130 0

yaa that's what v-day came from. I don't know how you get love and hearts from blood orgys lol. but still he did have to get you a card like tht. that blows