By Spudzy - 11/04/2012 16:46 - Australia - Gold Coast

Today, I tried hitting on the new receptionist at work. After a few flirtatious comments and subtly hinting that I thought she was bangable, she informed me that she's married to our boss. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 444
You deserved it 44 955

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How exactly do you subtly hint that someone is "bangable"?

OP: "Hey do you like the drums? I used to be the drummer in a band during high school." Receptionist: "Oh yeah?" OP: "Yeah, what can I say? I was pretty good at banging my stick! I mean sticks. You look like you could do with some banging yourself, you know, it's quite relaxing and loosens your muscles." Receptionist: "Really? I guess I'll have to tell my husband, your boss, about that." OP: *O.O*


C'mon, dude. Work booty is bad booty, unless you were involved prior to working together. You'd've gotten burned one way or another.

Not necessarily true...I'm marrying my former boss next year. Sometimes work booty is good booty. :D

laurapiggy 3

Don't shit where you eat, duh!

Just how subtle were you? Was it a clear look up and down, finish with a smile type thing? If so that's not bad, there's nothing wrong with friendly flirting so long as you backed off once she told you she was take/uninterested, hopefully your boss will laugh it off or she'll laugh it off and he'll never hear of it. Or are we talking "Hey shwatty, wanna find a janitor's closet ad give him something to clean up" subtle. If the second, you are a idiot. And for future reference, don't use the word "bangable" when looking for sympathy. It makes you seems less the wayward romantic and more the guy with a creepy mustache and binoculars.

How could you not know that she is married to your boss. She's your co-worker. ******* idiot.

That's called "sexual harassment" and you'll be lucky if you aren't sued for it, or fired. Unlike what previous posters have said, "a clear look up and down" is NOT work appropriate behavior, especially not with someone who's new on the job. If you wanted to flirt, you should have asked offered to buy her drinks after work, at which point you could have learned weather she was single or not. Next time try thinking for two seconds before doing something so stupid.

That is why you don't hit on people, fool.