By Spudzy - 11/04/2012 16:46 - Australia - Gold Coast

Today, I tried hitting on the new receptionist at work. After a few flirtatious comments and subtly hinting that I thought she was bangable, she informed me that she's married to our boss. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 444
You deserved it 44 955

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How exactly do you subtly hint that someone is "bangable"?

OP: "Hey do you like the drums? I used to be the drummer in a band during high school." Receptionist: "Oh yeah?" OP: "Yeah, what can I say? I was pretty good at banging my stick! I mean sticks. You look like you could do with some banging yourself, you know, it's quite relaxing and loosens your muscles." Receptionist: "Really? I guess I'll have to tell my husband, your boss, about that." OP: *O.O*


Woudnt she be on him the whole time? (remember a movie scene anyone)

blackheart24 10

116- Don't be a dick. The lady made a joke. Chill out big guy.

akdakine81 2

Poor fourm, should have kept going with it. Better start looking for a new job or start kissing serious ass though!

izzy7 11

YDI for thinking of a woman as nothing but "bangable". We're more than pieces of meat you ass!

You must be frustrated sexually. Take the advice that most posters are giving you. Try to talk to the lady prior to asking her to **** you. Trust me, it's always better that way.

Squeaky_Tomato 14

Considering he used the word "bangable" I'm going to assume he was being an ass.

Your a ******* dick! Hinting that she was bankable! I hope you get fired

Dude u always check the finger before flirting. thats just basics.