By Anonymous - 14/11/2010 09:42 - United States

Today, I tried on the new dress I bought for myself. I, for once, thought I looked pretty all right. I asked my dog, "How do I look?" and she threw up on my pillow. My brother can't stop laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 838
You deserved it 5 162

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't feel too bad. Dogs fashion senses are outdated.. I mean they are still wearing fur.. thats so 1900's!

And when you need help with your homework, I presume you ask the cat? For financial advice, you turn to your stuffed bear?


You can always count on your pet to give you an honest opinion.

The next time don't take the chance on asking anyone. :P Make it sure that u are pretty that's what matters:) 13-You don't have to be rude.We get it,u are ''realistic''.

stinkmuffin69 0

wow you must look like shiit!


Never ask for an opinion if you are not prepared to accept the answer.

ShallowWerewolf 0

Exactly and I'm lovin the Johnny Cash pic haha. =]

Petawhitney 2

Maybe, instead of working on your pathetic looks, you should brush up on your rules of grammar.

uhh possibly ur dog ate somethin bad the other day and had to throw up anyway. this is suppose to make you feel better

Hopefully your dog isn't seriously ill! Poor thing :(