By Anonymous - 29/06/2014 23:14 - Australia - Chatswood

Today, I tried to be seductive to get intimate with my boyfriend. He commented on how sexy I looked, and how badly he wanted me, then asked me to move because I was blocking the TV, and the World Cup match he was watching. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 257
You deserved it 17 558

Same thing different taste

Top comments

joefrazier 20

Well... It is the World Cup.

Something tells me that an infinite number of women an relate to this FML these days!


I'm not surprised. It's World Cup season and the World Cup always beats sex

girl you crazy. I'd just watch the games then have sex lol nothing stops me from watching my soccer games. GO COSTA RICA!!!

Next time he's in the mood, tell him that he's interrupting something you're watching or whatever. It's a stupid soccer game; can't he tape it or something? I will never understand the hype about people putting their lives on hold, in any context, to watch some pointless game. Seriously OP, deny him sex the next time he wants it.

BradTheBrony 19

You'll be there later. The World Cup won't.

heck im a girl and my boyfriend wouldnt dare block the world cup from me!! go usa!!!

World Cup is important. Even more than sex

TheNenemon 15

World Cup before sex I guess