By Anonymous - 29/06/2014 23:14 - Australia - Chatswood

Today, I tried to be seductive to get intimate with my boyfriend. He commented on how sexy I looked, and how badly he wanted me, then asked me to move because I was blocking the TV, and the World Cup match he was watching. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 257
You deserved it 17 558

Same thing different taste

Top comments

joefrazier 20

Well... It is the World Cup.

Something tells me that an infinite number of women an relate to this FML these days!


totally ydi. wrong timing, be happy that he noticed and complimented you.

DogeMan 14

Nothing separates a man and his sports

Heh :) if this were me, I'd stay in the sexy outfit, get us some wine or beer and snuggle up next to him and watch it too! Oooh ooh or maybe play a drinking/stripping game together where if some team or player did something in particular we'd have to take a drink and remove a layer of clothing. That's practically my ideal foreplay :P

avila_boy22 12
MikeyLean 8

Well duhhh it only comes every fours years!!. AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT!!!

world cup comes once every four years. cut him some slack.

BDA_fml 5

Doggy Style!! That way you can both watch the game!