By Anonymous - 29/06/2014 23:14 - Australia - Chatswood

Today, I tried to be seductive to get intimate with my boyfriend. He commented on how sexy I looked, and how badly he wanted me, then asked me to move because I was blocking the TV, and the World Cup match he was watching. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 257
You deserved it 17 558

Same thing different taste

Top comments

joefrazier 20

Well... It is the World Cup.

Something tells me that an infinite number of women an relate to this FML these days!


Stupid World Cup!!! Record it and watch it later (;

RedPillSucks 31

It's not the same. Plus, if you overhear someone discussing the game and the score then it's doubly ruined.

You should know better! wait till after its over if u want their full attention ;)

If you can give him a BJ u can be happy:)

lol, is he a keeper or what? trying to aim 2 birds with one shot I guess

Priorities are important in a relationship, and you aren't one of those priorities. Seriously, nothing is more important than the needs of a spouse or partner. Another reason I hate sports.

So, every time your partner wants sex, you immediately drop whatever you're doing and meet their needs? What if you're not in the mood? If you want that, I suggest a ******* machine. A big old hydraulic *****. Good for your needs, and doesn't have any other priorities.

poisongirl708 11

Yeah... Not a good time to be seductive around World Cup time

Silly girls. When will you realize you'll always come second to major sporting events?

ill leave him alone and go out with your friends or to a bar have a drink and play pools. don't let him know where you going because he's busy watching TV.