By Anonymous - 24/05/2016 14:05

Today, I tried to change my usually stoic behaviour and be friendly to a coworker. Now she is convinced that I finally went insane and intend to murder her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 792
You deserved it 1 103

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Taking "kill them with kindness" too literal, I see.

Borrow some scissors and knife from her. Possibly a stapler and paper shredder.


Borrow some scissors and knife from her. Possibly a stapler and paper shredder.

Taking "kill them with kindness" too literal, I see.

TigranPet 24

I guess there is such thing as too much kindness.

Your cover is blown, OP She sees through your lies!

Don't take it personally. If you're happy be you and if she can't handle that it's her problem.

Now, who's insane for assuming that?

I know those feels ? Stick with the resting bitch face, it's easier!