By NotSoComfortable - 17/12/2015 09:10 - Italy - Pontecchio Polesine

Today, I turned 18. My dad congratulated me and gifted me his collection of old porn magazines. Not bad, dad, but perhaps not during family dinner next time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 824
You deserved it 2 429

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least your mom didn't give you any of her toys


show him your collection of **** streaming sites and tell him to get with it !

I'm not gonna lie, that'll be me as a parent...

What, get with the ages. Internet **** man, cum on.

At least the pages weren't stuck together

There is an appropriate time to give your child such a gift at the dinner table is not the appropriate time it sounds like your father not only lacks class but also discretion

andrmac 25

I think you just mean tacked?

I don't think you can judge a person from this one example, you sound like a dick but that very well might not be the case

bad_boyfriend 10

At least no Polaroids of mom fell out from between the pages.

thatguy240 27

Doesn't he know everything is digital now.