By NotSoComfortable - 17/12/2015 09:10 - Italy - Pontecchio Polesine

Today, I turned 18. My dad congratulated me and gifted me his collection of old porn magazines. Not bad, dad, but perhaps not during family dinner next time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 824
You deserved it 2 429

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least your mom didn't give you any of her toys


like father like son... does he have good taste?

This will be a funny story later on and to be quite honest, he probably did it to embarrass you. :)

Then again, he may just sincerely believe his son has no chance of getting real sex anytime time soon. FYL OP

askullnamedbilly 33

What does getting real sex have to do with ****? Most people who watch **** continue to do so while in relationships. Some even enjoy it with their partners.

Let me take a wild guess: you saw that on ifunny?

UserError94 18
UserError94 18

Ohhh so maybe my girlfriend just has a **** collection that she got from her old boyfriend and not herps!!

I thought it was the gift that keeps on cumming?

At least you know what mistakes not to make when you pass on the torch yourself UP. Haha.

It would be really awkward if your mom is in one of the pages.

here you are son.. and don't bother trying to open the sticky pages...

Were they crusty? But cherish those and give those to your son maybe it's been in the family for generations

That'd be an interesting family heirloom for elementary (primary) school show and tell a couple generations down the line.