By Anonymous - 10/07/2009 04:08 - United States

Today, I turned 23. I had asked my mom for some things to decorate my new place. As I opened the box to reveal my gift, a mirror was inside. I liked the mirror. I did not like the note attached that said "Look inside the mirror to see who is now 100% financially responsible for themselves." FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 465
You deserved it 19 618

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't mean to be rude, but if you're 23, you should be financially responsible for yourself. YDI.

Give it back to her when she needs a loan.


Silva1124 0

boo's life, learn it live it love it

WTF at all the people telling the OP to grow up, etc. He didn't ask her to furnish his house, it was his birthday, and he simply told her what he wanted for it. He asked for stuff to decorate his apartment, that could be anything from a five dollar snow globe to a thousand dollar grandfather clock. I know for a fact that everyone here has asked their parents for something specific at least once in their lives, and in many cases, much more expensive items than what the OP asked for. It is NOT rude to drop hints, or even say outright, what you want for your birthday, ESPECIALLY when it's something as broadly defined as "something to decorate my new place" And it was pretty rude of his mother to leave that note, as it implies that the OP is nothing more than a moocher. It also implies that she considered him a burden when he was growing up. It's NOT a nice thing to tell your kid, and I wouldn't condone it except in the case of someone without a job, not going to school, and still living at home. That is obviously not the case here. The OP isn't "whining" that he has to take care of himself now, but is simply hurt that his mother would do something like this.

Most of the people telling the OP to grow up also told the OP that he needs to learn how to take a ******* joke. My god. My mother does shit like that all the time. And I dish it right back. I'm terribly sorry you "don't' condone such behavior" ****.

yeah seriously man, grow up. you're 23 and you're whining because your mom didnt get you everything you wanted for your birthday? go get a job and get the stuff yourself.

yeah that's how most people deal in this world hun, without financial aide from their parents.

Why is everyone freaking out? The mother gave OP a nice mirror for his/her new place, implying that OP has moved out and is therefore obviously financially independent. it's called a joke.

hahaha your mom is awesome! also. you should have been financially responsible for yourself when you turned 18 so stop complaining

25shark 5

this isn't an FML. everyone has to go through this

fmlizdabest 0

on the bright side, you can use the mirror to decorate :)