By Anonymous - 10/07/2009 04:08 - United States

Today, I turned 23. I had asked my mom for some things to decorate my new place. As I opened the box to reveal my gift, a mirror was inside. I liked the mirror. I did not like the note attached that said "Look inside the mirror to see who is now 100% financially responsible for themselves." FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 460
You deserved it 19 613

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't mean to be rude, but if you're 23, you should be financially responsible for yourself. YDI.

Give it back to her when she needs a loan.


You're 23 and you're complaining? That's the cutoff for medical insurance isn't it? So what'd you expect? I hope you're at least appreciative of the 5 years of help she's given you since you turned of age.. But really, she did give you a birthday present, and you must have a tendency to ask for a lot or else she wouldn't have written a note like that. YDI.

GatorBites 0

What is so wrong with being responsible? Maybe your mother is proud of you making this step in your life and pointing it out to you.

"FML, I've expected to act my age!" Seriously? You weren't expecting this?

I'm turning 21 soon and I don't expect anything that I didn't buy myself. It's not that my parents don't love me; I just couldn't respect myself if I asked for anything. Most likely, I'll return the stuff and give the money back to my parents, since they are also working minimum wage just like me because of the economy.

malcolm1919 0
l33tm0nk3y 0

Reality's a bitch, ain't it? Frankly, your mom is totally right. At that age, you shouldn't be expecting any handouts from anyone. Now granted, she could have been a bit more tactful, but on the other hand you kinda gotta give her props for creativity.

ergo_fml 13

It was your birthday though! Your mom's mean.

Jeepers, there's other ways of communicating that, and certainly other times. A birthday isn't the day to say "buy your own shit".

come on guys seriously.... who complains about not being financially independant as an adult. im seventeen, i am self sufficient and live on my own. its pathetic that anyone would complain that thier parents dont pay for thier stuff anymore. christ. you could afford to get real. noone wants to know an adult who act like a child.

I don't get how someone can take the note as a bad thing. How can someone not look at themselves and feel a bit pride at being able to finacially take care of themselves?