By Anonymous - 10/07/2009 04:08 - United States

Today, I turned 23. I had asked my mom for some things to decorate my new place. As I opened the box to reveal my gift, a mirror was inside. I liked the mirror. I did not like the note attached that said "Look inside the mirror to see who is now 100% financially responsible for themselves." FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 460
You deserved it 19 613

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't mean to be rude, but if you're 23, you should be financially responsible for yourself. YDI.

Give it back to her when she needs a loan.


cactus_fml 0

IT WAS HIS BIRTHDAY. Parents get you stuff for your birthday even after you turn 23, for the most part. My parents get birthday presents from their parents and their in-laws. It's not like he was just like "Mom, get me stuff." And he has a "new place" which I assume he is paying for since his mom wouldn't even help him furnish it, so he's not mooching. That's pretty funny though.

Stevieebabyy 0

Um...does she have any sympathy?

I don't think the fml is in the fact that he needs to pay his way - he obviously was taking steps to do that - but in the fact that when he asked for something for his apartment (most likely when asked what he wanted) he ended up getting a snarky letter with his gift. I'd be upset as well. FYL OP.

You should have gotten that mirror five years ago. You have been riding it easy

So that means that once a person turns 18, they're not permitted to have Birthday presents anymore? I'll keep that in mind.

kyasariin 0

At least your parents have a sense of humor!!!!

ElNegroHombre 0

Most people get that message at 18. You're pretty lucky.

deaditegirl 0

And you weren't 100% financially responsible for yourself before? YDI for being spoiled.

JRo 0

LOL boohoo, mommy is not paying for anything anymore. You're 23, grow up you pansy.