By Anonymous - 10/06/2012 06:24 - Canada - Whitby

Today, I used a prank app, where you shake the cell, and it makes the screen looks cracked. I ended up losing my grip on the phone. It went flying, and it is now cracked for real. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 949
You deserved it 36 640

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That FML cracked me up. Get it? No? Okay ;(

Every action has a reaction my friend.


Oh the irony :) haha sorry op that does suck

I bet you had an iPhone. can't say I'm surprised! Samsung! Gorilla Glass! thing never breaks! Haha

Today, I read an FML, that had too many useless commas, and it made me think of someone, during an asthma attack, or possibly after a long, run.

I swear that the iphone repairshop invented this app.

goliatron 9

Looks like the prank was played on YOU, bub.

At least it's not one of them stupid, misleading apps...