By Anonymous - 10/06/2012 06:24 - Canada - Whitby

Today, I used a prank app, where you shake the cell, and it makes the screen looks cracked. I ended up losing my grip on the phone. It went flying, and it is now cracked for real. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 949
You deserved it 36 640

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That FML cracked me up. Get it? No? Okay ;(

Every action has a reaction my friend.


See, you can just make your phone look cracked without an app. Oh wait your phone really is cracked :/


Your app is now useless. Unless you want it to be double cracked screen.

Irony at its prime. Gotta love it! (for some people)

perdix 29

Alanis Morrisette needs to make "Ironic, part Deux" featuring this story. Hint: Don't buy a fart app. You'll make your boyfriend dump you.

Well you wanted it to look broken, so I guess now you shouldn't be complaining!!!

YesyDidWhat 0

I don't see how you deserved it, it was an accident and it could of happen to anyone. Sorry for your broken phone OP:(

It was an accident that wouldn't have happened if they were being careful with their phone and not using an expensive piece of technology for stupid, pointless sh*t. So yes, they deserve it. Maybe now they'll be a bit more careful with their stuff.

Psychology_13 8

They was usin' a prank app.... So ya, they deserved it!