By Delicious - 21/03/2016 02:09 - Australia - Saint Kilda

Today, I used fly spray on my muffin tray instead of olive oil. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 533
You deserved it 7 147

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bryce0110 23

Couldn't you have checked before using it? YDI

At least you'll be fly free for the rest of the day.


brooks313 5

That's okay. One time I almost used flee spray to clean my oven.

at least now you know that the flies won't eat it then. :P

Why do you have those things so close together in the kitchen? one of these is not like the other!

sammisweets93 12

but they smell so different...

been there done that used WD4 for deodorant

Today, I put fly spray on my muffin trey, so you better prey you get up today, cause I'm feeling grey my hair feels like hay, and it decided to fray. I stayed home all day just to get away from everyone, thinking I'm not sick, and just want to play Black ops 3 all day. I'll make them pay, yes, I'll rain on their parade, it'll make me feel gay, (excited, flamboyant) now, oh golly, I better go take a break