By lonelyman - 20/11/2009 07:29 - United States

Today, I used text-to-speech just so that I can hear "I love you" for once. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 218
You deserved it 7 594

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I promise you...someone loves you very much....most likely a lot more than someONE!!!!!!!!!!!


lol #11 well put! And to op, FYL man, I feel bad for you

Haha pathetic or not I don't care. THAT'S AWESOME

music_baby224 0

tell himself..he loves himself?

Today, as usual, the person who uses me all the time forced me to tell her things, I was pretty used to it, until she forced me to tell her I love her. FML

You've never heard of text-to-speech?? If you have Vista / Windows 7, just go to Control Panel - Speech Recognition, and look for the text-to-speech option, and there you have it. Personally, I prefer speech recognition, you can use a headset to talk to Word, and instead of typing your entire report, just talk it, and Word will do it for you. Pretty cool, actually.

blland 0

GDI, that's speech to text. text to speech is microsoft sam.

I don't know whether to tell the OP to go "an hero" himself or to say "No, you're not getting my Bud Light."

perdix 29

That's exactly where I was going to go. I was going to tell the OP that normally I would have made fun of him, but this makes me too sad. So, in a non-gay, totally heterosexual way, I'll say: "I love you, man" OK?