By Ellowise - 24/12/2009 10:06 - Belgium

Today, I used the tanning booth for the first time. Not only was I so white that I received first-degree burns all over my body, but I also forgot to remove my knee-high socks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 676
You deserved it 47 188

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At first I thought, oh that sucks, but then I read the high knee socks and decided that you're an idiot.

bluedoll 1

That sucks...but how do you FORGET to take off socks? Speaking as an ex-tanner myself, I know you don't FORGET to take off anything in those overly warm little beds. Oh, and YDI for tanning. I stopped because I learned about the health risks. If you have lovely, pale skin, keep it that way. Use a SELF tanner for color.


What did you think would happen? Tanning bed rays are just like regular sun rays. If you burn in the sun, you'll burn in a tanning bed. If you want to tan use a tinting lotion or something. Also, how can you forget that you had socks on?

thats why you dont use tanning booths. its a lose lose situation. cancer and bad skin.

Lol awesome. I have to agree with the other people though: Cancer. Bad juju.

That's what you get for going to the tanning bed. Also, you have severely increased your chances of skin cancer. Enjoy.

Phinehas 0

YDI for using a tanning booth.

Actually, historically in Europe, it used to be regarded as a sign of wealth and class to be PALE, because if you were tan that was an indication that you had to spend your time outside doing work (which only lower class peasants would do). Just a little tid bit of history for ya'll. I know today standards have changed. Today, being tan means that you have enough money to NOT need to work and can therefore spend some free time outside. But in response to the actual post: I hate that this happens to so many people. You'd think that the people who work at tanning salons would notify their clients of the risks of artificial tanning. If it's your first time, you don't go for 20 minutes on the highest level bed. You have to moderate, ease into. Further, you FORGOT to take your socks off? Really? Moron. Seriously. (sorry).

No tanning period is retarded. If you tan you are an idiot. You know why black people have good skin we don't tan. If you want to look younger don't sit in the sun and tan you are a god damn fool and deserve to much worse than just first degree burns.

i think this is fake because you cant be naked except knee socks and not notice theyre on that or you are ******* retarded

noypi629 0

lol. can't believe you forgot to remove your socks. that's stupid.

Search for "Final Destination 3 solarium scene" on YouTube. That's all. Also, YDI.