By DocFUCKINGHATESSTUPIDPEOPLE - 22/11/2012 21:03 - United States - Schertz

Today, I've been on duty at the hospital for just three hours so far, and I've already pulled five carving forks out of four different people. Good job, everybody. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 787
You deserved it 1 974

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Someone had two forks in them?? Did they try to get one out with another?

I was going to take a stab at a pun, but I was afraid my joke just wasn't going to cut it.


How do you manage to stab yourself with TWO????! Lol wowww

Llama_Face89 33

One wasn't enough to deter him from stealing that drumstick.

There is a bunch of stupid people out there. Holidays just show their true stupidity.

Five carving forks out of four people. What idiot thought. Oh we'll this one doesn't hurt to bad we'll go to the hospital after dinner. Then OH **** OH **** YEP THAT ONES DEEP HOSITAL NOW

Between people lighting their houses/garages on fire with a turkey fryer and others with various eating utensils jabbed into their bodies.... Emergency personnel are making bank this holiday season! It's job security, OP!

Your life sucks, but not as much as theirs.

tsent8 15

Just wait until you find a turkey baster in someone's rectum *shudder*

noisebox 1

That's alot to be thankful for in the good old US of A!

kiroarous 9

I know the feeling "trauma team to the trauma room!!!!; trauma team to the trauma room!!!!"

tsent8 15

Trauma team to the trauma room huh? You sure TRUAMA team doesn't go to the waiting room!

After multiple Xrays, CAT scan, and full body MRI, it is my professional opinion that the problem lies not in the gushing punctured flesh wounds. But rather stems from your defective frontal lobes that control the ability to make good judgment calls, located here -->O:-D

Someone's about to bite into an apple hanging from the branch of an apple tree.

kiroarous 9

I also work in a hospital and I am working tonight, to bad I don't get extra pay, I am military. Wait till the drinks get on the road, fun night for u and me.

Thank you for you're service! :). Happy thanksgiving to you