By sammyducks227 - 08/11/2013 07:49 - United States - Saint Charles

Today, I've invited friends and family to my birthday party. I've also come home to find that my parents didn't pay the water bill. I either have to tell everyone I know that they are uninvited or not to take dumps in my house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 569
You deserved it 3 692

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You could just tell everyone that the water is temporarily cut off and leave a sign in the bathrooms or something like that!


"Due to unfortunate, unforeseen circumstances, the party has had to be postponed. I'll get in touch with a revised date soon"

jonahwalzer 12

Get a shovel for them to go out side!

bobo_the_bear 5

Just do what I do, use the woods.

Outhouse time! Oh gross.... Just have it somewhere else like a venue place

Those are some irresponsible parents you have there.

In they old days they had things called bed pans...that might be a good thing to get...

Dig a hole outside and put a box around it for privacy.