By Anonymous - 01/06/2010 09:18 - United States

Today, I waited in line at a drive-through behind a man for ten minutes. I got out of my car, cursed at him, and then asked him to give me one good reason why it would take that long to order. The man slowly explained to me that he had a stutter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 190
You deserved it 130 741

Same thing different taste

Top comments

anonbastard 0

Why the hell would you go screaming at the driver? The people working drive-thru could've been slow for all you know.


gosh it was only 10 minutes you wait longer in a resteraunt for food xP you shouldent lose you temper so easily YDI for being dumb (:

ur so mean ur prob a stuck up bitch!!

shaybaby07 2

if waiting was that terrible go somewhere else. you never know who's driving that car in front of your. you better be glad that person didn't get out of that car and beat your ass

You're a ******* bitch. I hope you die in a hole

infamousSG 1

thumbs up. show that tard who is boss

hannah9098 0