By ulring - 12/02/2012 00:53 - United States

Today, I walked all the way across campus to eat the first meal I've had all day. After waiting for my food in a congested line for 30 minutes, I got to the register to pay. Turns out my wallet was a twenty minute walk away, back in my apartment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 428
You deserved it 7 512

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if it was $7 or under and i was behind you, i would have paid for it OP


hateevryone 14

don't you hate when that happens?

Isn't this the reason you should be keeping granola bars, cereal, oatmeal, crackers and peanut butter, fruits, applesauce, raisins, loaf of bread etc in your dorm? I ate cafeteria breakfasts maybe once a month. Besides, I bet you can eat healthier than anything they make for you...

See, these votes are what make me mad. If the post is anything about gaining weight, the majority of people flat out say YDI. Something like this is an FML, when the OP was an idiot for forgetting his/her wallet. ALWAYS make sure you have your wallet with you, and anything else you need, before leaving. It's not that hard. YDI

bubo_fml 10

Are you on the 10,000 steps a day Amish excercise program?

Run - you will get exercise and a good diet :-)

YDI and grow up. Mommy not around to burp and pamper you? Move to campus and life kicks sand in your face when, in fact, you are a student living in la la land. Get your shit together while nothing matters. You won't believe this now because you probably know everything, but real life happens after college.

YourLifeSucks132 3

Guess you don't have to be smart to get into college!