By The fuck, junior? - 05/07/2013 22:45 - Canada - Gatineau

Today, I walked in on my 14-year-old son apparently practicing his oral sex skills on the crotch of one of his sister's Barbie dolls. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 105
You deserved it 5 403

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JustAnotherKid4U 5

At least hes making an effort to learn!

dinosxxrawr 22

hopefully he knows real girls won't be that tiny.


hopefull she dont get the doll back and im shocked that he hasnt learned most of this stuff in school when i was in the sixth grade one of my friends had a baby

thelionsmane 3

This does not make anatomical sense

kassylove92 4

who does he watch doing it ?

No wonder why guys are so bad at it most of e time hahaha