By Anonymous - 04/07/2012 16:40 - Canada - Charlottetown

Today, I walked in on my boyfriend and sister fooling around in the shower together. Supposedly, she was sleepwalking, and he was trying to wake her up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 721
You deserved it 3 289

Same thing different taste

Top comments

christa953 12

I don't even know how I would respond if it were me

Hiimhaileypotter 52

Your sister's a bitch and your EX boyfriend is a douche. Really, it shouldn't be too hard to find someone better than him, OP! Go get 'em! ;)


Maybe you should have been treatin him better lmao! Sounds like something indid while back to my wife lol!

toughchick14 15

Omg really nice boyfriend and same to your sister. But don't worry you can do sooo much better!

He's pretty creative with excuses! FYL OP

smileydancer92 2

WTF !? Id be so pissed!!!

He was trying to wake her up with his **** :( I hope you dump him, OP.

hateevryone 14

Supposedly you need a new boyfriend.

neymalugo 0

Lol i understand you might be sad because of this situation, but when something like this happens to me or if i feel like my world is falling apart, stories like this make me feel better. I love this FML thing. And im sorry about ur bf, dump his sorry ass.

Stoopid_life 2

Thats terrible!!!Should of turned to the nearest tap and either turn the cold or the hot water,it should of changed the temp of the boiling hot or freezing cold...