By bluerhhajfk - 19/08/2013 23:29 - United States - Providence

Today, I walked in on my brother smoking weed. He immediately tried to hide it by dropping it down his pants, still lit. Screaming in pain, he pulled down his pants. The ashes burned his knob. I had to take him to the emergency room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 739
You deserved it 3 572

bluerhhajfk tells us more.

Apparently his friend gave him some to try. He's only 14 so I don't think he knew any better. He told me he was experimenting, and I think that's an okay thing to do so long as he learned his lesson. He is just a young stupid teenager. Moral of the story: Don't do drugs, kids. Or you'll burn your penises.

Top comments

ewmoldycheese 14

But.. what if we don't have a penis? Are we safe to smoke weed then?


That's going to be an interesting little story of when the Doctor asks what happened...

14 I hope that was just a shitty attempt at sarcasm

this reminds me of The Simpsons “crotch the weed man“

He deserves it. Sucks for you to have to be seen with him.

Your brothers life sucks. You are just whining

#58, the irony in that is that sleeping pills can actually be some of the strongest mind altering drugs you can take legally. I took Ambien once and it is nothing like being drunk or high on pot, it made me hallucinate like crazy, apparently talk really crazy stuff, and then forget the past 12 hours of my life after I woke up. I can't even imagine what that stuff could make me do if my room mate didn't basically babysit me all night. And yet that stuff is completely legal and even prescribed to minors.

And just when he thinks the punishment can get no worse than that which he already brought on himself, your parents will receive the ER bill.

I'm thinking his ability to act fast smartly was a bit altered

Lmfao @ stoner logic. I have witnessed it both help and harm people. Sounds like he's in the second category. Next time throw him an ice pack and let him drive himself. Unless of course you are taking embarrassing pictures while in the er to use against him.

He had to clog up the ER for THAT? Buck up Princess. Ice. Plenty of ice. Neosporin after it scabs.

yeah, let's ignore the possible 2nd degree burns and shit. Ice'll fix anything!