By crazydaughter - 12/04/2012 12:51 - Egypt

Today, I walked in on my daughter trying to blow-dry the sweat off her armpits instead of showering. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 848
You deserved it 3 276

Same thing different taste

Top comments

nofearjenshere 12

Yes, because the heat from the blow dryer will not make her sweat more.


They don't "need" to blowdry their hair, You can leave it to drip dry

Hehe I'd do anything to get out of doing work.

HahaYDI 0
iamcoolyo 5
hateevryone 14

Tell her to get her ass in the shower. Nasty.

harof1c 0

Bitch slap her into the shower