By curlyisnogood - 10/01/2011 00:19

Today, I walked in on my roommate flat-ironing his pubic hair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 236
You deserved it 3 758

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ouch, that must be a hairy situation there trying to explain to your roommate. I recommend that you don't curl up into a ball and be scarred for life from this image burned in your memory, but you gotta be straight and tell him sorry that you walked in. Afro this might be remembered forever, you should try and comb this out from your memory. Ugh, I can't think of anything great at this late of night.


yuck. he couldve had a hot date last night and he thinks curly pubes are gross so he whipped out one of those little mini flat irons and straightened them. because he was gonna toot it and possibly boot it ;D just a theory

actually its your fault for not knocking!! BUT if its your flat iron then FYL

budge10 0

thats hilarious but wouldnt he burn his weiner?

cdatribe23 0

bahahaha that would be a sight to see :p

Calm down, it's just harmless manscaping. You only need to panic when you discover he's been using your toothbrush to bleach his asshole.