By neednewdeoderant - 14/12/2011 02:39 - United States

Today, I walked into my bathroom to find my girlfriend applying my deodorant. This would have been fine, if she wasn't applying it to her mouth. I don't think deodorant helps with bad breath, but a quick Google search shows that it does help with herpes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 622
You deserved it 3 548

Same thing different taste

Top comments

When I first read this, I saw "If she wasn't applying it to"... Is it wrong if I thought crotch first?

gunmania0 12

There are two ways you can get herpes... just don't let her give you a Blowie...


chubby_choco 17

She's trying not to give you cold sores. Sure, it kind of sucks, but come on - have you ever accidentally tasted deodorant? It's disgusting. She's really taking a hit for you; don't bitch about it.

At least she wasn't putting it on her crotch..... ?

Believe it or not, 1/6 th of people in USA have herpes