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By Anonymous - 24/08/2010 02:17 - United States

Today, I walked out of the operating room at the end of an emergency case. I spent ten minutes talking to a woman about her son before we realized I was talking to the wrong family. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 255
You deserved it 28 743

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TashaLenaKitty 0

Hahaha,wow maybe you should pay a little bit more attention OP or Ask the family if it is their kid first! fyl

hahahaha XD its like 'oh shit! i'm sorry there seems to be a mixup. oh well if this isn't your son then...that means yours is the one we lost......oh...uhh......well-this is awkward.'


it would have been worse/funnier if they were from a different race haha :)

Jessi2487 0

this isnt a fml.... this is a case of mistaken identity.. luckily OP didnt operate on the wrong person... tht would be a fml

H8rSk8r 0

OPs like " This is just like the time I got those STDs when I slept with 8 different guys. Wait who are you guys!?"

BeachPanda 0

woot, i just moderated this one like 5 minutes ago ^.^

I actually wish my back was as ripped as yours and insult you to make my self feel better. no ****

marinus, no offense, but you must have like no life, your always one of the first ones to comment on every fml

FFML_314 11

Quiet little ones. Go back to your sand box.

xFalzz 0

I love how FML has so much eDrama. I bet this could make millions has soap opera.

29s a camwhore who has 3 friends. her parents an her iPhone.

Marinus is a man ****** Get it straight.

FFML_314 11

*and I don't have an iPhone. Thanks for reminding me, you jerk! :[ Edit: What's a camwhore?

lucious_mama 0

wow o.p.... THAT is a law suit waiting to happen. if this one is indeed real WHO in the F**K gave you ANY type of a wanna be PHD or paramedics degree to speak with families or be in that type of situation any way? don't get me wrong we ALL have those F**k off days, but if your in that high of a place, there's no excuse for this type of thing... protocol is in place for a reason.

FFML_314 11

37, what in the hell are you talking about? Did you think AT ALL, before you typed that comment?

I was almost 1st one time. just thought I'd mention that in case someone out there is proud of me.

wazdingo 0

#37 Lawsuit for what? that is the kind of frivolous bulls**t that doctors who save millions of lives a year shouldn't have to deal with. unless it is obvious negligence such as failure to follow important sanitation protocol or performing the wrong surgery on the wrong person. other than that they are under so much stress and pressure we shouldn't add to it.

ATTENTION PLEASE: random humor will no longer be tolerated on FML. So from now on, we will satisfy your entertainment needs with a sweet Comment Moderated note instead. thank you for wasting your time here. FML crew

Ahhhh, America's medical system! Cheers Obama!

Jafozza 0

How the hell do you carry on a conversation for 10 minutes with the wrong family? YDI for being so clueless, I wonder how the operation turned out.

BahahahLOL 0
overthelimit 3

well unless you told the family that the kid was gonna die, then dont worry OP. if you did, play it off like he really was gonna die. then when he lives, everyone will be shocked.

Ludii_fml 0

59 I thought exactly the same thing.. Made me lol :3

i can only assume #37 misunderstood the fml... i wud cut him sum slack although his comment was the most retarded peice of shit ive seen, considering the wat it was wrote i really think that he misunderstood. if he did understand i agree hes exremely retarded and needs to calm the *** down.

ChesterJester11 0

52, that really had nothing to do with being America's system or in any way Obama's fault. It was a mistake that could've happened to anyone.

Well actually It does because your President should have control over your health care system in order to keep people as stupid as OP from being allowed to 'take care' of sick/ injured people. Obviously OP is quite lacking in the brains/ common sense department so would you really want her/ him taking care of you or administering any kind of medical treatment to you my friend? I don't think so. A **** up once could destroy lives. Luckily OPs mishap was not life threatning... this time. Theres my rant over. P.s- as for Obama, you my good sir should pick up your slack when it comes to the medical services in your country!

76 and 37 have no idea what they are talking about. This happens. I've talked to the wrong family a few times (like OP, I'm a surgeon), though usually not for more than a few seconds before someone realizes the mistake. It happens. As for a lawsuit, in the US it's possible (though ridiculous) if there was a HIPAA violation. rebbee is clearly an imbecile if she thinks this episode makes this doctor, who has spent at least 9 years of his life dedicated to medical training, unfit to care for people. You, madam, are the problem in society.

lucious_mama 0

actually assholes aparently you don't have any idea about the medical system, Its a little thing called HIPPA and HICFA... thanks

lucious_mama 0
FFML_314 11

Lucious, just because you found out that a keyboard on a computer has letters and they can make words, doesn't mean that what you said, makes any type of sense. This is not a joke, I seriously read your comment and scratched my head and probably drooled a little bit. You dumb founded me. This is an extremely rare occurrence and I advise you not to attempt any type of conversation with any human being....ever.

jaja12345 0
TashaLenaKitty 0

Hahaha,wow maybe you should pay a little bit more attention OP or Ask the family if it is their kid first! fyl

FFML_314 11

Pay closer attention next time.

it could have been much worse op, but still fyl.

bella_171193 0
FFML_314 11

what's retarded is grammar Nazis like you fuckheads.

Ludii_fml 0

YOU'RE (a tard for failing to differenciate your and you're)

bella_171193 0

I think we are getting a little of topic from the fact that op doesn't know the difference between his patients

Liv94 2

this is an FML for the family that OP screwed over

It depends. it would only really be bad if OP told them "you're son did great! we're expecting a full recovery!", only to remember that this was the family whose child didn't make it.