By qwerty - 05/05/2009 20:39 - United States

Today, I walked outside to get the newspaper and slipped on the icy driveway. Because I was wearing boxers and a robe, my legs got all scraped up. After much cursing, I got the paper and went inside. The headline read "Caution: Icy Conditions". FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 208
You deserved it 9 138

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pinkygirl_fml 0

this sounds exactly like an old fox trot cartoon... exactly like it.

waywardson 0

There is no way that would be the headline on the front page of a newspaper. That's for news, not newsflashes for morons. Plus, yeah, I've read this foxtrot strip. What's the point of posting FMLs if they're not true?


uh people this is a globally used website i'm sure kinda dumb to just assume it's americans posting these stories. ever noticed any of the posts that say "mum"??? yeah that's not american it's british. anyways the point is i'm sure that there is somewhere this guy lives that has ice in may and besides that point i'm sure all these stories didn't literally happen "today" it just puts that on there for you, maybe dude just found out about the website and is sharing and embarassing story. op-sucks for you man

Alice_Renee 0

How ironic! Hehe, sorry, can't help but laugh. That sucksssssss

KiwiBlu 0

Calling myself out as a comic dork, but the same thing happened in

mistertinkleburg 0

#82- Actually, this is ironic. Irony could be described as something or something mocking someone or something. In this case, The newspaper, with the headline, "Caution: Icy Conditions" was certainly mocking qwerty when he slipped and fell because of these icy conditions. Ironic could also be described as something happened that was unexpected or out of context. This also fits that definition. It would be unexpected by qwerty that he would slip on the ice before he could be properly warned by the newspaper. So please, learn the correct usage of the language before you try and criticize it.

shaZamy 0

Its nice to see so many foxtrot fans, but yea, this is a carbon copy of that strip

Hilarious when Foxtrot did it, lame when you did.

74 even in Calgary (im here too) there is no ice right now and i dont think anywhere else in Canada maybe Nunavut?