By stupid - 21/12/2010 15:21 - Ireland
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 23/01/2014 21:49 - United States - Washington
By j. farmer-smith - 09/02/2018 23:00 - United States - Jamestown
By EPICfml. - 02/03/2009 19:01 - United States
By something - 16/02/2019 18:00
By littl3storm - 13/05/2019 04:00
By goestoschoolonsnowdays - 12/02/2010 05:02 - United States
By WestboroBC - 03/02/2009 22:56 - United States
By Username - 01/02/2011 15:40
By Bitch its me - 17/01/2009 11:11 - Korea Republic of
By Lapis - 20/12/2009 19:42 - United States
Top comments
Jeeezzz, shut up Canadians, PLEASE! Every comment does not need to start with 'In Canada' FOOO....
yeah but with the moderators on this site op probably had a 4x4 with a block heater and remote start and it was 35 out. they just want to make stories funny.
kill urself and ur parents will b so guilty they will due
your parents are ******* awesome.
-5??? You're lucky here it gets to -40... stop complaining.
So in Russia it gets to -45
that really sucks... a week ago I walked to school in -40 with snow to my knees.
Start taking responsibility for yourself and not depend on your parents to keep you updated on school news. When schools close because of weather, the local news stations generally have a banner scrolling across the bottom of the screen naming those schools. When adverse weather is in your area, turn on the TV and check the news. Also, most districts communicate school closings and late starts (or early dismissals) through an automated voice messaging system. Get your cell phone number into the system's database. Lastly, check the school's website for weather related updates. Time to grow up!
shovel all the snow on your porch into their bedroom and bed. see if they find that funny.
I do feel sorry for you, but where I live we would be blessed to have at least one inch of snow!
Go into their bedroom at 3am and scream FIRE at the top of your lungs. See how ******* funny they think that is.
You've odviously never seen a regular winter day here in canada.

Hahaha -5? wow you would not survive in Canada. It was -40°C a couple weeks ago
All the way up to your ankles? GASP! Maybe if you walked to school on your hands that would be impressive, but otherwise, you should omit that detail.