By stupid - 21/12/2010 15:21 - Ireland
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 23/01/2014 21:49 - United States - Washington
By j. farmer-smith - 09/02/2018 23:00 - United States - Jamestown
By EPICfml. - 02/03/2009 19:01 - United States
By something - 16/02/2019 18:00
By littl3storm - 13/05/2019 04:00
By goestoschoolonsnowdays - 12/02/2010 05:02 - United States
By WestboroBC - 03/02/2009 22:56 - United States
By Username - 01/02/2011 15:40
By Bitch its me - 17/01/2009 11:11 - Korea Republic of
By Lapis - 20/12/2009 19:42 - United States
Top comments
-5 is nothing. about a week ago i had to wait an hour and a half in -30 something weather, with over a foot of snow on the ground, after working an 8 hour shift.
boohoo. that wont even remotely close my school.
wow okay i live in Canada and the coldest day on record in my town is -50..... walk in that!!!
this is laughable to Canadians anywhere, even us in Vancouver have seen worse than that but if you're not used to it, think about how much that would suck. Ahhhhh ankle deep snow! lol aww.
lol, Vancouver winter doesn't even count! I met a bunch of people from Vancouver and they were all shivering in our weather, it was around +15 or so. It was in the fall. I suppose your climate is to blame for the shivering though. Much warmer on that side of the Rockies. It would be nice though, cold weather sucks.
ur school was open? I thought it was winter break?
-5? really. that's nothing. we still have to go to school when it's -30 snow past our ankles.
Lmfao , -5??? seriously, I live in Canada it gets to -40 here. -5 is WARM to me... get over it... oh and I have 3 feet of snow right now.... snow up to your ANKLES is like nothing.

Hahaha -5? wow you would not survive in Canada. It was -40°C a couple weeks ago
All the way up to your ankles? GASP! Maybe if you walked to school on your hands that would be impressive, but otherwise, you should omit that detail.