By Jebus - 07/06/2009 20:46 - United States

Today, I walked to Starbucks. On the way a homeless guy asked me for change and I lied and said I had no money. On my way back, Strawberry Frappuccino in hand, the same guy recognized me. He followed me for 3 blocks, swearing and yelling at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 137
You deserved it 60 993

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you're not obliged to give your money to a bum anyway!

Haha. This happened to me once, just keep on walking and drop a couple of quarters to keep him occupied while you make an escape.


I just say sorry only got my credit card on me;)

pennamay 11

I would have told him to get his lazy ass a job rather than bum off people who work.

paintballR 0

You could've gotten him something to eat

I walked past a hobo in cairns once, he asked for money and I told him "no but i'll buy you a cigarette" instead. As I was pulling out my pack he showed me a shopping bag full of Winnie's and pouches of loose tobacco. Cheeky bastard

bjnono001 20

Just tell him you used a credit card?

what the f*ck is your problem? do you even realize that the f*ucking economy crashed and a lot of f*ucking people lost there damn jobs and homes you stupid pathetic pease of sh*t. i hope like hell you(or your family) go bankrupt and have to f*cking beg for money and they f*cking tell you no every time!

Which is why I just say I don't have cash

maxamus951852 3

Why didnt OP just be a man and say "no"? its that simple,you have no need to lie, you're not legally obliged to give homeless ppl money