By Jebus - 07/06/2009 20:46 - United States

Today, I walked to Starbucks. On the way a homeless guy asked me for change and I lied and said I had no money. On my way back, Strawberry Frappuccino in hand, the same guy recognized me. He followed me for 3 blocks, swearing and yelling at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 137
You deserved it 60 993

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you're not obliged to give your money to a bum anyway!

Haha. This happened to me once, just keep on walking and drop a couple of quarters to keep him occupied while you make an escape.


you don't deserve it because it's YOUR money and If your hungry you buy what you want.. tell that bum to go apply for a job

You should've just said you paid for it with a credit card

shananiganizer 0

That strawberry frap could be a weeks worth of food for that guy

Maybe the bum should've got an education an made something out of his life. Anyone can get a job right out of Highschool and Earn enough money for college. That bum can go to hell an stfu. No one has to do anything for him. There are shelters that will help him anyways. All he wants is either drugs alcohol or special food because he's an ungrateful lazy loser.

really? have you ever thought that the dude is a bum because he's mentally unstable? that's what a majority of homeless in Chicago are... (plus the following for blocks to me seems more mental than anything) and in this economy... no, not everyone can get a damn job. I have a college degree, and I spent well over a year job searching after graduation.

Raivyn_Grimm 9

God I hope this guy is trolling...

Don't buy from Starbucks. It's run by the evil elite who oppress people in third world countries and doesn't make you cool to buy a $5 coffee.

How would he know? You could have payed using a credit card or one of those free drink gift cards.

I'm all for giving homeless people money but he was an idiot to think that you actually owed him anything. It's up to you if you don't want to give him anything.

umm. yeah.. I never have cash. I would've turned around and said that to him right away. "I don't have cash, I only have a card, and I am not about to give my card to a stranger."

That bum probably makes more than all of us...stop pitying them when all most of them do is go blow your money on booze or drugs

FreestylePython 14

most of the time they will just use the money for alchohol and drugs so its best not to give them money anyways