By Anonymous - 29/04/2013 07:25 - France

Today, I wanted revenge on my college's drinks machine. For the past two days, it forgot to release a cup before pouring my coffee. This time, I had planned ahead; I put my money in, entered the code, and quickly inserted my own cup. It gave me hot water. FML
I agree, your life sucks 507
You deserved it 48

Top comments

Wizardo 33

A.T.I - Artificial Troll Intelligence

perdix 29

Keep messing with the machine and soon it will dispense pee.


Unplug the machine. Put it to sleep. Vet style.

No you have to toss it in the crusher till it tells you where Megatron is hiding :D

I honestly don't understand how this is an FML. Just go buy a coffee, or bring your own, or get your own machine? You weren't dumped with scalding water or coffee or anything. You just lost out on a coffee and some change.

College really knows how to beat a person down lol our coffee machine is out of order and it's finals week. Cruel torture if you ask me.

There's more then one there all across the boarder states and as far south a penselvaina that I've seen

There's two not far from me in virginia.

michael666 7


Erm... Exactly where is this particular machines face, Sir?

You wanted revenge on a drink machine... I'm not sure what to make of that

Your display image perfectly fits the fail of your comment.

That's an ATM: Automatic Trolling Machine.

Honestly the funniest fml I have ever read :')

This is the funniest? Have you recently come across this site?